Monday, August 2, 2010

An Academic vs an Intellectual: How a Smart Person Can Become Dumb When it Comes to Religion

A person from a prestigious university gives a lecture on an academic subject. Many people who are listening to this lecture are impressed at the level of knowledge and insight the lecturer has. The lecturer is an academic with a PhD who possesses a "high IQ". He is witty when it comes to debating on almost any subject he is familiar with except when it comes to anything dealing with religion, spirituality or God.

That's where his "IQ" doesn't work. This is where he suspends his intellectual and resorts to using faulty logic and circular reasoning. He uses simplistic and even silly arguments. He is at a lost for words.

How can a person with a lot of intelligence fail to use it when it comes to matters dealing with religion, spirituality or God?

There is where we see the difference between an academic and an intellectual: one possesses knowledge (the academic) while the other one uses the knowledge in a way that corresponds with reality (the intellectual).

An academic has knowledge but doesn't mean he necessarily has wisdom. Knowledge is the retainment of information while wisdom is the realization of knowledge and its application in accordance to reality. In other words, it's better to be wise than smart.

Ultimately, it is a matter of whether or not a person is guided by God. But let's say for the sake of argument, we don't include guidance from God in the equation and we discuss how can a smart person be so dumb when it comes to matters dealing with religion, spirituality or God.

People are intimidated when it comes to discussing religion, spirituality or God. Many believe that it is a matter of blind faith when it comes to believing in these things and therefore, the intellect cannot be used to determine which belief is true or not. Others will argue that matters dealing with spirituality cannot be proven intellectually and any discussion or debate would be a waste of time for the simple fact that nothing can be proven or refuted.

Issues dealing with spirituality, religion or God are like any issue: there is evidence or lack thereof and relevance and reasoning behind what is or is not. It makes no sense to suspend one's intellect just because he entered the realm of spiritual discussion and "faith". Spirituality, just like anything else, can be wrong or correct; bad or good; lie or truth. Spirituality is part of being human and it is a subject that affects how humans believe, think and act. Spiritual beliefs can be based on a proven myth or proven fact. Spirituality should not be treated any different when it comes to intellectual scrutiny.

Now when it comes to "faith", it is a matter of whether the source of a particular belief is valid or invalid, reliable or unreliable. Reporters and historians have faith when reporting and recording events. Scientists have faith in the theories they believe in. A person that is trustworthy tells others he had a dream and in the dream he dreamed of this or that; people believe and have faith in him because they trust him as a source, even though none of them saw his dream.

It's time we take the gloves off from the self-imposed stupidity many of us place on ourselves when it comes to spiritual discussions and approach these matters with the full force of our intellect like we do anything else.

Then we can finally become intellectuals and not just academics.

1 comment:

  1. Ain't spirituality inclination of the spirit to one's beliefs?
    Isn't spirit usually in a state of fitrah ?
    It is later influences by the upbringing and the environment that take the spirit away from fitrah,but don't alter the nature of the spirit itself.
    For the one who ponders deeply and tries to connect with his inner self,WILL find something amiss if his spirit has swayed away from the fitrah.
    In this regard,how can spirituality be wrong/correct or good/bad?

    But yes,when the spirit gets inclined to something that is not in line with the fitrah,to a faith or religous belief that defies the deenul-fitrah,then you can say that the subject of inclination is good/bad or wrong/correct.

    Correct ?

    I have so far been given to believe that reporters and historians report facts based on evidence or self-witnessed accounts.But then their reporting whether honest or not,is now a matter of faith for us... whether to believe or not : )
